Thursday, June 17, 2010

Back Saver Sit and Reach

What is the Back Saver sit and reach ?

The Back Saver Sit and Reach is a test that measure flexibility. To be more accurate it primarily focuses on hamstring flexibility. Some benefits of flexibility are: increases balance and coordination, improves sports effiecency, decreases lower back pain, increases relaxation and decreases stress. As you can see flexbility is important both physically and mentally. As you get older flexibility is very important. The hamstring area is one of the most common injuries in athletes, so with proper flexibility it decreases your risk of injury.

What does the back saver sit and reach assess?

This test measures your flexibility of the hamstrings and gives you either in the healthy range or the needs improvement range. If you were in the needs improvement range all the different types of stretching technigues that can improve your flexibility. On the final piece of paper I explained that this was instructions on a yoga stretch that specifically focused on the hamstring area. I began to say their are many more strecthes and that youtube and google can guide you in finding some more. Finally I encouraged to get friends and family involved.


Before class I set up a area spread apart where students will have privacy. Also, through out the newsletter and during the instructional period I made sure students were aware that this particular test assesment required you to not where shoes. In preperation to the actual testing I led students in a nice warm up and stretchign activity on the hamstrings. Also, every day requardless of a test or not when we warm up we stretch our hamstrings as well as other areas of our body.


Naspe has shown proof of the benefits of flexibility and that the back saver sit and reach is the right test to measure hamstring flexibility. And state that this test is good measurement of flexibility and I could not agree more. This test focuses on the hamstrign flexibility and given the proper range in which a person can stretch improving your flexibility is so beneficial to you through ones life.


As I go over the instructions with each class I make sure everythign is clearly stated as well as walk around and fix any misconceptions while the test is beign assessed. Such things to know while taking the test are: The boxes are all the same height so that every time a student takes the test (4 times a semester) that he or she will have the same size box. Also, the extended leg must always be touching the floor and the foot be flat on the box. Of course shoes will be removed at this time. Next, the foot of the flexed or bent leg will be paralell the know of the straight leg with a 3 inch space (students use their fists to determine the distance). Finally, after a few practice they can reach forward but hands must be "hand over hand". The picture at the top is a example of how the body should be positioned.

Class Performance?

The class as a whole performed great I must say. All the men were in the healthy range and on average were approx. 2 inches over the healthy range. As for the females, all of the females were primarily in the healthy range. For any one trying to increase their score, I would encourage you to try to get into some yoga. Yoga is very beneficial for not only the hamstrings but all areas of increasing flexibility. The one problem I encountered in my teaching is the students' need to remember when stretching you do not have to move forward and push the box , because if you do you are stretching improperly and that can result in a injury. We will continue throough out class to properly streatch.

In the weeks coming and thigns to do at home

In the weeks coming I will practice as whole with the class proper stretching and breathing techniques. In warm-ups we will continue to stretch but I will explain more in-depth the proper ways. Every day in class whether realizing or not we stretch our hamstrings and other muscles, so, maybe during this time every one should take it more seriously. As for at home stretching I gave hand outs if you want to google or youtube again they are both beneficial I would say try to get family involved it does not take long and doing it with friends and family will motivate you. The most important thing is it really does not take long 2 to 3 times a week holding each muscle you are focusing on for 20 to 30 seconds. But Remember make sure you do a small warm up before you stretch like jumping jacks or walk around your back yard or pool.

Since I have been having problems uploading my video, attached is a Link of my instructions for the Back saver sit and reach . I hope this is beneficial for all.

Remember to always work on your flexibility!!!

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